My name is Angel. I'm from the US, on the East Coast. I am 16 y/o and my birthday is late July. I am also Hispanic, my parents are from Mexico. I adore learning languages and am currently learning; Arabic, Korean, and French. I speak English (ofc) and Spanish natively. At some point I was learning American Sign Language and Latin, but I haven't had time to keep that up. I plan to one day study Political Science with a minor in either French or Arabic Language Studies. My dream is to leave the America's and go to Morocco or the EU to become a professor in either Political Science or French/Arabic. I enjoy learning about anything; from language, to philosophy, to Calculus. I hope to be able to practice teaching and speaking about topics which I'm interested in through this little passion project. Maybe in the future, after I make a couple of translating videos, I'll start posting more blog-ish things. Idk yet.
But for now, you can contact me through my linktree!
-Angel r.
Me :D (and things I find interesting in my camera roll)